Garcia said “We were great for seconds on end.” I was lucky to see Jerry play for about 1,000,000 seconds exactly. Thanks for your 1,000,000 views here . Dave Davis wrote this blog for 500 posts and 5 years from 2015 to 2019. Contact me at twitter @gratefulseconds

Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Kathy Sublette Christmas Update

Kathy hits Lewiston
I spoke with the wonderful Kathy Sublette today. She wishes Merry Christmas to us all and let's it known that she has about 300 tapes. She said she equally loved the Jerry Garcia Band and the Grateful Dead. So we can expect a healthy bounty in 2020 with the team of Aloha Ted Mattes, Charlie Miller and Scott Clugston.

Kathy is simply a great lady who did not realize the value of those tapes in the Attics for years.  She didn't like having to deal with trading tapes so since she had a good job she got great equipment, found the best spot and ta-da, you can now here what she did today.

Since I went to more than half of the shows that Kathy has released so far, I can't believe what memories rush back from her recordings. I recommend to always find the highest quality audience for shows you went to, you won't regret it.

More on Kathy. She started going to shows circa June 1976 at the Tower and/or Cap.  She was always trying ways to get her equipment into shows like using a wheelchair to hide mics etc.

One time in Chicago, she and her friends didn't have tickets so they snuck in and hide in a closet all day. At show time, they still got kicked out and had to get tickets.

Thanks Kathy for the fun phone call, and thanks ion advance for all the great tapes to come.

Kathy Tapes to Date

The tapes up so far
5-25-77 Richmond
11-6-77 Broome
4-8-78 Last Train to Jacksonvile
4-14-78 Virginia Poly (first known Aud)
4-15-78 William & Mary
4-16-78 Huntington
5-11-78 Springfield
1-15-79 Springfield
5-8-79 Penn State
5-9-79 Broome County
9-2-79 Augusta
9-6-80 Lewiston

3-12-78 JGB/Hunter

Here is a list of most or all of team working this. Let me know if I left you out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More coming